Sunday, June 1, 2014

Why do I high Five my Boot Camp participants?

I am a Personal Trainer!!

I say this with pride because it’s a fulfilling career that I absolutely love and a career that I take very seriously! However, in addition to personal training sessions I also instruct various group classes. These group classes are the inspiration for this blog.

Six months ago I instructed my very first group exercise session. My first assigned class was “Boot Camp” and I think, and hope, that at the conclusion of the class I made an immediate and lasting impression!

Why do I say that? Well, because immediately following my very first “Boot Camp”, I spontaneously, impetuously and enthusiastically ran around the studio like a crazy man and forcefully “high fived” every single participant!! Even though every last exhausted person appeared to be more than a little befuddled, shocked and surprised, they happily returned the sentiment with a reciprocating hand held high! To this day I’m truly not exactly sure why I did it…it just felt right at the time. Since that day I have literally run hundreds of classes and since that day I have finished each and every class exactly the same way. On top of that, I have also taken it upon myself to commit to memory the first name of each and every single participant taking my classes…EVERY CLASS! And now I end each class exactly the same way…I address every person by their first name, along with a congratulatory “GREAT JOB”, as I collect my “high fives”. As a side note I am the only trainer at our club to do so, and am specifically known for doing this. I do not point this out for any other reason other than to comment on the fact that this feels right and works for me personally. So I decided to give this some thought….

Why do I “high five” every single participant in my Boot Camps? It’s very simple…it’s not out of a sense of obligation…it’s not because it’s a habit…it’s not because it’s a gimmick…it’s because THEY FUCKING DESERVE IT!!!!

Here’s the thing; I literally have people of every single level of fitness taking my classes; from the extraordinarily fit  (people who could give “Pro” athletes a run for their money) to the first timers (people who have never ever set foot in a gym but want to change and effect their lives in a positive manner).  The truth of the matter is this…I am equally inspired, and impressed, by somebody who does 2 “off the knee” push ups during 45 second piece as I am by somebody who blasts out 47 plyo push ups during the same 45 second piece!  BOTH have given 100% effort and BOTH have done this because I have instructed them to do so. This is a simple fact that I do not take lightly and a fact that I chose to make personal! They have put their goals and aspirations in MY hands!! They have entrusted me to help them progress!! It makes me emotional and I feel I owe it to them to bring my best!!

This is MY simple truth….people WANT to get in shape!! All you have to do is take a quick look around!  We live in the day and age of “Big Box” gyms, “before and after” infomercials, the “Biggest Loser”, paleo diets, low carb diets, fat blocking pills, detox recipes, 30 day challenges, workout DVD’s, Bowflex, Total Gym, Crossfit, Yoga, Pilates, Spin; ad nauseam…fitness is a business and the business of fitness is up for grabs! So the way I see it is, these people have made a CONCIOUS decision, to put the responsibility of helping them to get fit directly in my hands by signing up to train with me. Not only am I thankful but I goddam well take that responsibility VERY seriously!! In the simplest terms, getting healthy and fit is a personal choice! How an individual allocates their finances to get healthy and fit is also a choice. So, if somebody choses to train with me, then I will give EVERYTHING I have for 45 minutes and I promise you WILL remember those 45 minutes!!

So, if you ever decide to participate in one of my “Boot Camps”, or if we’re ever together for a personal training session, you can expect a “HIGH FIVE (insert name here)!!”

This is simply my way of PERSONALLY thanking you for choosing me!!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Blog Peter. You are so motivating and enthusiastic, no wonder you have full classes. You never know, you may see my face there some day!! :) Continue the good work and you should be very proud of yourself bud!! :)
    Nancy Bellefontaine
