Sunday, May 11, 2014

Well folks, this is my first foray into the world of online blogging. Admittedly I am somewhat apprehensive as it relates to expanding my horizons via technological outreach. I only recently started using Twitter and that was a massively uncomfortable undertaking that caused more than it's share of arguments. And even setting up "Blogspot" today raised my blood pressure slightly…you see, I am also a curmudgeon at times and as such I am resistant to change :)

However, I also recognize that we live in an era of "Social Media" and electronic outreach is massive and expansive. Therefore, if one has a message to deliver, the simplest and most convenient form of communication is social media. 

I intend to be purposely brief today as it is my first "blog" and I will go through many changes, adjustments and tweaks as I (hopefully) get better at this. I already have a list of, what I feel are, interesting blog topics and I very much look forward to being able to expand on the topics I discuss on Facebook and Twitter. 

At the risk of sounding immodest, I understand and appreciate that much of what I am currently doing "on-line" is helpful to many people in various ways. I am exceptionally proud of how far I have come, and although it is only the first step, I love the fact that so many people have responded so positively to my numerous and frequent posts. Again, I do not want to come across as arrogant in saying this, but I feel almost a sense of responsibility to continue forth with sharing my journey publicly as it  DOES help and inspire so many. I, myself, looked to my fitness mentors and role models for constant motivation and assurance and I am grateful for every single post, tweet, tag, share that I saw….because it kept me moving forward with passion and direction! As most of my friends and followers know, I can not only sympathize with those who are beginning, restarting or constantly moving forward in their fitness journeys…but I can EMPATHIZE. You see, I was "starting a journey" less than a year ago. My intent is to help build a community of friends who are like minded in their goals and aspirations using various mediums. I'm looking for all stages of fitness journey and input from  everybody. Because whether or not it's apparent or believable, I too am inspired and motivated by anybody who is passionate about getting healthy regardless of what stage you are in currently!! I am looking for all stages of contribution.

Future topics will range from serious, to instructional to downright comical. But I hope to always be entertaining. So please feel free to add me on "Facebook" and "Twitter" and by all means, please reach out and share stories, pictures, recipes, ideas and even constructive comments. 

Thank you….I'm glad you have joined me on my first step into the blogging community! :)

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